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Sanders Socialist Scheme for Schools

It’s no secret that student debt cripples many young ambitious Americans who want a higher education for a brighter future. Mrs. Sanders offers a simple solution; make colleges free. This sounds like a dream come true to young adults all over the country. But that’s all it is; a pipe dream. Mrs. Sanders has her head in the right place because free college would be an extreme convenience to all, but when you look at her plan it all falls apart.

First off, where does Mrs. Sanders plan on getting all of this money? Does this mean more taxes on our already burned out middle class? Or will she start defunding our military and rearranging those funds into higher education. Should we have to sacrifice security for education?

The source of money she seems to favor most is taxing Wall Street but it’s been shown in the past her policies have had little effect in regulating the speculators there. “I fully expect Senator Sanders’ third attempt to break up banks to have the same impact as the previous two: zero”(Tony Fratto, partner at Hamilton Place Strategies, May 6 2015). With a losing track record against an uncooperative Wall Street, how can the public be sure Mrs. Sanders can even secure the funds for her plan.

Besides the funding issue, will this policy really improve our economy? Will it produce a more hardworking, educated generation? The answer is probably not. Currently today there is a struggle of college graduates finding work. One of the real higher education problems we should be focusing on is the fact that in many cases colleges don’t help students prepare for the real world. A university’s main job is getting their students through school, but after that they’re on their own.

Also, what effect will Mrs. Sanders’ policies do to private schools such as Ithaca? It will run them right into the ground. Even people who could afford private schools would attend public ones just because of the no tuition cost. A great many private schools such as Ithaca College would struggle to survive, and many would have to close down. Meanwhile, public schools would swell up with students, perhaps even doubling some schools. This would be an absolute inconvenience and would make it harder to learn among a class of 500.

No one objects to lower tuition costs and especially free college, but Sanders plan justhas too many holes in it. It’s back to the drawing board for you Mrs. Sanders.

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