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Sanders Weak on Middle East

Admittedly, Mrs. Sanders is an excellent speaker and knows her positions well. She is confident and strong willed, and stands by her opinions. This is a good quality but under certain circumstances can lead to catastrophe, especially when it comes to our foreign middle-eastern terrorism combat policy.

In light of the recent tragedy in Paris the world is now on higher alert than ever before about Islamic terrorism. In the past century, whenever there has been a crisis, it has almost always been the United States who rise up and defend civilization. From World War II to the fight against Communism to the fight against Islamic extremists, the US has always stepped up and led the world into harmony.

In recent years though, we have yielded in our involvement in military war. President Obama has allowed the Islamic threat to grow during his presidency. He has been pulling our troops out of the middle-east, leaving the governments of those countries to keep the peace. As we can see now, this strategy has failed miserably in combatting terrorism. Yet Mrs. Sanders still plans to keep using those tactics.

She says war is a last resort and most people would agree but the question stands; haven’t we reached that point already? 129 dead, 352 injured, 99 in critical condition. Among the dead is a United States citizen, a student studying abroad. A 20 year old girl from California, Nohemi Gonzalez. Isn’t this reason enough to throw on the gloves and get back in the ring? Mrs. Sanders doesn’t think so.

Her foreign policy is weak and her refusal to go to war will end poorly. What will it take for her to wake up and join the fight? Does another 9/11 have to happen for us to get involved? I surely hope not. Mrs. Sanders, there are both problems inside and outside of this country; no one can deny that. But you can’t choose which issues to ignore and which to take action upon. The US has tried many times to isolate itself from foreign problems and focus on domestic issues. And every time we have tried to ignore the world in turmoil it has come back to bite us in the ass.

During WWI it took numerous cases of Germans firing upon US merchant vessels for us to get involved. Before we joined the Allies in WWII, we had to suffer the bombing at Pearl Harbor. And before we went over the Iraq we had to go through the horrors of 9/11. Mrs. Sanders, the world is in tumult, and if we do not act now, then the biggest catastrophe in American history may be coming any day.

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